What are "hits"?

The Public/Client Hits and Agent Hits fields display how many times members of the public and agents have accessed your listing to look at the detail page. The two counters help you gauge the interest level for your listings based on the number of views from other agents and the public.

To view the number of hits for your listings

  1. Click the “View/Revise Your Listings” option under the “Listings” drop-down in the MLS menu bar.
  2. The Public/Client Hits and Agent Hits fields are located in the bottom-right corner of each listing.

Agent Hits are accrued when agents and other MLS members view a listing detail page within the MLS.

Public/Client Hits are accrued when agents or members of the public view the listing detail page using public links, which are available in the following areas of the MLS:


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